
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Flying For Free

Hello there. Have you ever had the thought you’d like to take a trip back in time to use the smarts you have now to do something differently in the past?

I certainly have, and I’ve also wasted a lot of grocery money on second helpings of insane instant recalls peering into my bowl of granola. How do we forgive others, and ourselves to  let go of what’s already done and gone?

No doubt, whatever it was, it happened exactly the way it did for a good reason.  And none of those experiences are who you are right now. Even if you totally blew it, take responsibility for doing the best you could then, and appreciate those experiences and the cost of them, as the lessons that have brought you this far. 
Oh wise one, you are so eager to abracadabra the past into how you wish it could have been!  

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda.. If you really want to fly, then you need to banish these three nasty words from your vocabulary. They are all judgments on your past that strip your power, keep you from loving yourself as a beautiful being, and these words of regret steal the moments of your true glory, living in the present.

Where is the present? How do we get away from our mind wanting to return to the past or run ahead to a future that doesn’t exist? How do we get someplace that always seems like a fleeting illusion behind or ahead of us? 
Looks like this will work!

Sit back and close your eyes, there are many ways to get you there flying first class for free!!
Lets head for Hawaii. Where…
Once upon a time on the island there was a priestess named Morrnah Simeona who was a healer in the ancient practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, known as Ho’Oponopono. Among the natives she taught the ancient art to was Dr. Hew Len. Dr. Len applied Ho’Oponopono, the system that first heals oneself, then heals the world in his position as clinical psychologist at the Hawaii State Hospital to a ward of mentally insane criminals and healed them all.

There are four steps to fly for free with Ho’ Oponopono
1. Recognize that whatever comes to you is your creation, the outcome of bad memories buried in you mind. 2. Apologize for whatever errors of body, speech and mind caused those bad memories. 3. Request Divine Intelligence within yourself to release those memories, to set you free. 4. Then, of course you say thank You.

You can soar further dropping extra baggage with the book written by Joe Vitale (the Secret) and Dr. Len, 'Zero Limits', (used, for as little as $4.53).  Imagine being in a state of freedom without being stuck in past or future planes of data. You’d be in the purest ability to create without thought. From there you can fly to any number of unknown destinations enjoying every moment of being you!
In JOY and let me know how you are doing, Bobbi Jo

Friday, July 13, 2012

La Joie de Vivre!

Hello there! It's time to dress the pet goose in an apron, don the rooster at the door in a top hat, grab your baguettes and fromage, and wash the last two down with a good French wine.

While we Americans celebrated our 235th Independence Day 10 days ago with burgers, corn on the cob, watermelon, beaches, and fireworks, this weekend France Celebrates the 222nd anniversary of the  Bastille fall on July 14, 1789.

Hmmm...Respecting the well prepared and natural beauty of all, I apply hair curlers and clay to my face before putting on the finishing touches to leave for a Bastille Day celebration avec Mon Français. 

We will be honoring France and our little feathered friends in mind, rubbing elbows at the residence of the French Consulate General. Then off to downtown for the remainder of the evening at Cafe Bastille or over to The Presidio Social Club where tomorrow, protesters will be demonstrating their respect for all living creatures, great and small right along with their disgust for Foie Gras


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Recipe for Ease, Joy and Glory

Hello there. For a couple of months now my dear friend Mary G has been sharing her work in Access Consciouness with me. So when I learned a seasoned Access facilitator was going to lead a workshop in Corte Madera I jumped at the chance to invite my partner to experience the live event with me. WOW! Before this, I thought I was a positive, high-energy person, but an evening with Rikka Zimmerman  and her energy was nothing short of being educated, entertained, and slipping into ease, JOY and glory intravenously. 

Rikka in JOY
Prior to being introduced to Access Consciouness, for five months I had been waking up during the night with horrible headaches. After only one session I was amazed that three days later the headaches were gone. We all have health, wealth, addictions,  or personal relationship issues that we would like to improve in our lives. Life isn't any longer an 'either-or situation. This list for me it's like being asked to select, married, single, seperated, divorced, or widowed. Why do I have to pick one if they all apply?

Being in joy is being okay with not having the right answer. When we think about the questions, "How can it get any better than this?" or "What else is possible?, asking a question to the universe precludes any knowing on our part. Not knowing helps us let go of the past to create an opening in the present.  And, the best news is there's no speed limit and no restrictions on how many times a day 
you can ask these questions to assist you!

Old tool 
On the humbling path to enlightenment, nothing short of time spent with my spiritual teacher has shifted my health, my head or gotten me out of my own way so quickly. 

If you are haunted by the past, have any health issues, or want to stop holding yourself back from being the divine being that you are, there is more far more information available about Access Consciousness than what I have shared here. 

Old school

Letting go of expectations and past judgements  on myself and others has allowed me to live my passions and brought me to bliss. A few weeks before the evening with Rikka, I had attended a workshop with Barbara Marx Hubbard hosted by Unity San Francisco. There I joined the commitment I have for the  "The Children's Peace Doll Journey" with the Rebirth 2012 The Conscious Evolution of our Planet launch date, December 22, 2012.  

Sometimes my enthusiasm for healing the world oversteps reality to make a commitment before my preconceived limitations kick in and ask me I'm going to keep my word to do this. I've tried convincing myself that first I have to help myself before I can help others and it felt empty. I recently shared with Unity sosmething I had written in my journal when I was suddenly responsible for the well being of our combined 6 children. I had been sobbing in the kitchen, saying to the universe, "This is bigger than me and I can't do this alone." "As you take on commitments greater than yourself to enrich the lives of others, you will eperience greater joy, satisfaction and growth." Even if, for whatever reason, I am unable to keep my word, I will forgive myself. I've never felt empty when I'm doing my best to try. Have Fun, fun, fun!

Here's a video with Rikka, what a kick!  Are you a leader for a conscious world?

Let me know what you're up to for birthing your evolution in JOY,  Bobbi Jo

Monday, July 9, 2012

“Bite Me"

Hello there. Over the 4th, we took a favorite drive south on 101 to hang at the Moss Beach Distillery, where we could take in the ocean view with our feet up on the stone firepit. We chatted leisurely with our new found friends, going back and forth between the sitings of the Distillery's own ghost lady and the fine art of the golf green.  

Then....It was not the phantom lady that sent a chill up my back bone. It was when I heard "they bite me" that made my blood ran cold as I thought of how those little “vampire buggers” waiting around shady pools in the woods and dive bombing the sweetest moments in nature used to torment me... When I was contemplating moving to the east coast from California, the biggest obstacle for me to over come wasn't the humidity. It was Mosquitos! 

But no more my friends, where ever you live..

Beyond wielding a cross and bathing in garlic, there are two great natural remedies available to soothe the aching itch and discomfort of those amorous mosquito, bee, no seeum and black fly bites.

Lavender oil is indispensable for this purpose. Rub a little onto the affected area. You can find it in health food stores or you can make a stash yourself. Cover finely chopped lavender flowers with a ¼” of vegetable oil; gently heat lavender and oil together until the mixture is warm and fragrant. Strain and store in a cool dark place. The mixture retains its healing properties for about six months.

We also have the homeopathic remedy Apis Maellifica. Apis can be the answer to soothing these unwanted affections and are available at health stores everywhere. Voila mon amis!

If you have some naturl remedies for enjoying the great outdoors or just beyond the sliding doors, please share them with us! 
Happy trails in JOY, Bobbi Jo

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Soupe du jour “Babette’s Passion"

JOY is loving the life we have
I'm so happy to be enjoying my return to San Francisco. Life has never been more real or happier for me than it is now. Oops! Kevin kline said in the movie, French Kiss "When people say they are happy, it makes my ass twitch." Makes you think about how fleeting each moment is.
The NOW was, and this is...always a new beginning. I’ve often found being the JOY in the NOW isn’t as easy as realizing I’ve gotten ahead of myself and forgotten to be there remembering the past as if it was going to be the future. Then the real JOY comes the moment I remind myself to let go and begin again. There’s no one but ourselves with the power to control our every thought and our every action. 

It’s simply amazing how all the events that have ever occurred within the life of each person have been experienced within this very ability of creation. Then looking at that very same event, it will be created differently in the preception of every other individual on earth.

The reality is we can't control and aren’t responsibile for the thoughts and actions of anyone other than our own..We experience our emotions of joy, love, and suffering from what we believe it all means. These become our stories.
My story is the joyful good tasting outcome of the passion being stirred as I toss in a little of this and a little of that ...all the sinfully delectible ingredients collected along the journey for the makings of Bobbi Jo’s Bliss.

Share how bliss finds you in the moment!  In JOY, Bobbi Jo

'Dance for Love' by Bobbi Jo